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Top resin tips

Here are my top tips for success when creating resin art and where to start for beginners!

Tip #1 invest in a good quality resin. There brand Artresin has been my go to for a long time and it never fails me.

But also buy yourself what I like to call practice resin. I use my practice resin for small pieces or testing out new ideas. I also use it for making cutting boards or trays. Find something that isn't quite as expensive until you get the hang of it.

Tip #2

Make sure your panel is level!!! I can't stress this enough. When you go to use your torch or heat gun to pop the bubbles that rise to the top it will make your resin more viscous and if it's not level your resin will pour off of the low spot!

Tip #3

Wood not canvas!! Mdf panels or birchwood art panels. Canvas will stretch out under the weight of the resin. You will get a puddle in the middle where it sags. I have tried all sorts of propping up techniques to try to use resin with canvas but I never get the results I want. Plus the wood is more resistant to damage if you go to ship a piece. The flexibility of canvas will have your resin cracking.

Tip #4

Make sure your space is warm!

Double check on your bottles of resin what Temperature they recommend but I always make sure my space is around 70 degrees. This allows your resin bubbles to rise to the surface and pop. If you are having issues with bubbles this is most likely your issue.

Also it needs to be a constant temperature. A rise and fall in temperature and you will get a wrinkled almost plastic wrap look on the surface. Also make sure to cover your piece after you torch it so that bugs/dust/pethair don't land on it.

Tip #5

Make sure to mix your resin properly!!! If not you will end up with uncurable sections with no way of fixing. 3-5 minutes stirring not whipping. Whipping will create more bubbles. Nice smooth stirring will do the trick!

Tip #6

Have fun!! Try different techniques and watch videos. Play around with sand and glass and glitter. Don't be afraid of it being perfect. Resin art is far from a perfect artwork. It is abstract and every piece is unique! Every artist will have their own style! Get creative!

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