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Resin tutorials for free!

Yes you read that right. Free tutorials. No strange fees, no memberships, just all of what I have learned in the last couple of years through trials and tribulations! I have wasted a ton of money on things that haven't worked out, but I learned from my mistakes and I want to share what I have learned with you!

Why? Because I'm just that kind of person. I like to help people and I hate to see people get discouraged over failed attempts at art. I LOVE art. Ever since I was a little girl and my Grandparents would take me to the art gallery in my hometown of Kamloops BC (until that one time that it was nude paintings, seriously you should have seen the look on my Grandma's face) we would then go and get lunch and Pavlova. And so I formed a love of art. Especially bright colorful art. I also grew up with a musical background and I'm part of a local choir in my city as well. So music and art is in my blood. And it can be in yours too, sometimes we just need someone to take us there to explore it.

I hope you get all the information you are needing to create successful pieces of resin art. If not please send me a message and I will get back to all questions as quickly as I can.

Sincerely, Nicole Sonneson

Or find me on instagram


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